OK, our mission is a little weird, but its time for that right? This is kinda of like a "trickle-UP" effect. It works!
If you are reading this, chances are, you are as passionate as we are about doing the most "good" locally.
Why not help us, or let us help you?
Please help us help others. If your mission is to get involved with and support the community - we are a great choice.
We love partnering in our community
Separate from supporting the nonprofits listed on this page,
we also:
Courtney Rollins Zawisa, Steven Zawiza and their whole team.
Sponsors and supporters for every event to date. Inspiration for Working Class Karma!
Sponsored Tribute Mural Film and Dogs On Deployment
Sponsor and promoter.
Owner/Founder, MyActiveChild.com
MyActiveChild.com is your go-to local resource for finding activities, events and family fun in
Hampton Roads, Virginia!
Sponsor/Supporter of Jolly July and Santa Summit events
Sponsored Tribute Mural Film
Tiffani Gallop, LPN
Certified Children's Yoga Teacher
Website: www.letmebegreatchildrensyoga.com
Office #757.656.9442
Email: LetMeBeGreatYoga@gmail.com
Find us on Facebook :@LMBGCY
Find us on Instagram : @LetMeBeGreatChildrensYoga
Find us on Twitter: @LMBGCY
Eventbrite Link: https://letmebegreat.eventbrite.com
Facebook Donation Site:
Volunteer, Supporter, Inspiration!
ACN Independent Business Owner
Harrell's mission is to help people by offering services (Telephone, Identity Theft Protection and more) that we all
need, at a reduced price (or free) - through ACN.
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